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A new way of working
Many organisations are struggling to successfully manage all of the changes recent years have brought. Teams are struggling to stay connected and are lacking their sense of purpose. Individuals are stressed and many are finding it difficult to manage competing demands. Both working remotely and returning to the office are still stressors for many. People are lacking goals and direction, feeling disheartened and disillusioned with the world.
Successful organisations are implementing programs such as those offered by Changing Edge to combat these challenges and build productive teams. Successfully navigating this period is key to creating organisations that prosper, powered by individuals who thrive. Now is the time to set yourself up for success!


Virtual Meeting
A new way of working
Business Meeting

Productive Managers
Managers are spending more and more time managing their teams in hybrid & remote working environments. Gone are the days of easily keeping an eye on your team in the office and noticing changes of behaviour or the subtle signs that indicate someone might need help.


Changing Edge can alleviate this time drain on managers by removing much of the time allocated to managing the increased support needs of individuals. This allows already time-poor managers & team leaders to concentrate on the work completed by their team. In turn, this reduces the pressure on leaders in the organisation, resulting in increased productivity and reduced levels of stress and burnout. 


Changing Edge offers a range of programs. These programs are most effective when run over a 12 or 24 week period. Each program commences with an introductory group session and then delivers through fortnightly individual coaching & accountability sessions with team members. This is a key component of Changing Edge's success as it allows the majority of the work to be tailored to meet the needs of the individuals. Group alignment sessions are offered at the mid-point of the 24 week program and at the conclusion of both programs.
Sessions can be conducted in person or remotely using the organisation’s preferred platform.


Team Meeting
Giving a Speech



Keynote presentations are available to cover a range of topics, mainly related to leadership, goal setting, teamwork, wellness and achieving alignment with your purpose. Keynotes can be tailored to meet the needs of individual organisations and various target audiences.


Drawing on many years of experience presenting to audiences both large and small, at domestic and international events, you can be confident in the quality and relatability of Changing Edge's keynote presentations. With experience from regional retailers to board rooms and large scale events, these presentations can be stand alone or integrated into ongoing programs to achieve participant accountability.

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