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People first...
Organisations are only as good as their people and that's why Changing Edge employs a people centric approach to everything we do. Our programs are highly tailored to meet the needs of individuals. We recognise everyone needs different things at different times and our needs and priorities change as we progress through life.
That's why, drawing from qualifications in a wide range of business, coaching and therapeutical fields, Changing Edge provides tailored services with a focus on participant accountability when working with clients. These programs bring together the best aspects of many techniques to create individually tailored solutions that work.

Working Out
Physical Meeting
Graduation Caps
Personal Wellbeing


Working with individuals or leaders and their teams helps develop individuals who, by valuing their own wellbeing and development, are able to play important roles in achieving success in both professional and personal aspects of life.


Changing Edge has a flair for encouraging clients to choose to adopt healthy lifestyles, eat well, exercise, and appreciate a balanced life. Decreasing the stress caused by the corporate hamster wheel and the demands of modern life is important in achieving wellness and in being present for family, friends and colleagues.

Leadership Coaching


Leadership is no longer just a position held by those at the top of organisations, it’s a way of being and influencing that is now a critical skill needed by individuals at all levels of organisations.


Leadership is about interacting successfully in all directions around you and achieving positive outcomes as a result. Changing Edge's Leadership Programs are designed to not just be a short term boost, but also provide ongoing motivation, skills and support to facilitate long term success for clients. 

Goal Setting


Goals are a really important part of life. Identifying goals, no matter their size, enables us to keep moving forward in life and continuing to develop and grow. Becoming aware of the values & priorities that drive us enables us to create a fulfilling life that is in alignment with our purpose.


Changing Edge works with individuals to identify their goals, both personal and professional, then set plans to achieve them. Once the path is set, success tends to follow and multiple aspects of life become more satisfying. It really is a snowball effect!

How Changing Edge Programs Work


Changing Edge works on the premise that regular contact with clients that achieves continual progress. An initial session to establish drivers, goals & limiting beliefs is followed by fortnightly sessions to monitor progress and develop personalised plans that build on progress achieved to date. This allows us to work together to address any challenges and continue to work towards the achievement of the desired outcomes by creating positive habits and awareness.



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